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Monday, June 1, 2009

CSIRO sacks soil scientist

Hello all,
Australian Story, 1st of June 09 was about a soil scientist with a mission who got himself sacked for going against the pro GM management of the CSIRO and is going his own way, educating farmers about soil health. Read the article below. It opened my eyes to how my taxes are being used to prop up GM research via the CSIRO, whilst funding into research of sustainable farming practices is being denied. I wrote a comment in support of Maarten Stapper on that site. Felt it's the least I could do, and also took the opportunity to draw attention to Permaculture. If Bela knows of any way for you guys to see that ABC show again, you'd all probably enjoy it.


  1. Yes ,Great show Rosemarie-
    The whole show is able to be viewed,and some extras,

  2. Yes I saw it,, it was amazing,, he is doing much good for soils overall health
