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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Seven principles for garden and landscape design

Hi All,

I just found this and thought it may be of use to others in the class.

Design, like most activities, has principles which can be ignored - at your peril.

1. "Consult the Genius of the Place' is the first law of landscape planning and design. She helps those who work on site, gets cross with those who deny her existence, and has some views on style. In areas of high landscape quality, whether urban or rural, she often prefers a conservation approach, which makes new development similar to its surroundings. In areas of low landscape quality, she usually prefers an innovative approach, which creates a contrast between new development and its surroundings.
2. Planners and designers should make places that are good from as many points of view as possible: social, functional, artistic, spiritual, economic, hydrological, ecological, climatological, and others too. Use can be combined with beauty, pleasure with profit, work with contemplation. The garden can be the planner's crucible. Do not allow the specialist to grab even one petal from the six-lobed flower of life.
3. Work with your clients. But remember that plans and designs have many clients with divergent interests: those who pay your fees; users; builders; the wider community; the natural world. Landscape planners and designers must look beyond the narrow technical limits and tight geographical boundaries that constrain most of the built environment professions.
4. Precede good design with good planning. To work otherwise is to design castles upon sand. Sometimes, good planning occurs by accident. More often, it takes longer than design.
5. Design space before mass. Buildings, trees, shrubs, walls and mounds are mere packaging. They contain space.
6. Use materials of only the best quality. They may be the cheapest materials. Water, grass and water-washed gravel, for example, are of the first quality. Precast concrete slabs are a third-rate material. Sometimes, however, money must be spent with generosity. At the end of a long career, Thomas Mawson reflected that clients always appreciate quality and soon forget expense. If you try to save them money, they forget what you have done and always resent the inferior quality.
7. Learn from the work of painters, sculptors, architects, poets, musicians, philosophers, novelists and others. These interests can come together in what Jellicoe has suggested may be the most comprehensive of the arts. The principles of art and design are wide and deep.
For the above principles, thanks are due to: Alexander Pope, Humphry Repton, Patrick Geddes, Paul Klee, Christopher Tunnard, Arnold Weddle, Siegfried Gideon and Geoffrey Jellicoe.


1 comment:

  1. I really like this. Once we are familiar with the design technicalities it will be good to remember these points. Am a bit too bogged down with the nuts and bolts of it all at the moment to have given it enough thought. But I will! The rest of the site is useful too.

    Thanks Meggs!
